Wedding and Wine


We have no set of instructions as to how to perform a wedding. There are many variations in the how and what to include. Yet we gather as family and friends in a ceremony for the purpose of asking God’s blessing upon this marriage.  In John chapter 2 we are told that Jesus was invited to a wedding and something happened there that reveals the importance of having the Lord Jesus invited and welcomed in the wedding, in the marriage.

During the celebration the wine was gone. That was a crisis, an embarrassment, a reason to panic, to quarrel, to complain, to feel hopeless and heartbroken.  Wine has different meanings in the Bible, but in some cases it symbolizes times of happiness, high spirits, enjoyment and jubilation.

Jesus’ mother was there and gave them and us one of the best advices given when an unexpected situation of unhappiness or misery rises:  “DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU”.

The servants did not question the order (fill the jars with water). They just obeyed not matter how ridiculous or illogical the request seemed/sounded to theirs ears.

The result was: THE BEST WINE!

In our lives, single or married, we will experience that “our wine is gone” (John 16:33 says that in this world we will have tribulation, affliction, distress, suffering) No jar of wine last forever: youth, health, money, possessions, honeymoon are, sooner or later, gone.

It is wise to have Jesus as our guest in the wedding…in every event of our lives and to obey his words, follow his instructions for then we will receive the best from Him.

My advice to you: DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU!

School Anniversary LXVIII

March 6, 1956

My first year in Camiri, the school was celebrating its Ruby anniversary, and even though I wasn’t the youngest among the school staff; I was the “new kid on the block.”

I had just graduated from college in the USA and moved to live in Bolivia with senior missionaries and founders of the school, no money, and many questions in my mind about the future as I was adjusting to a new culture.

In short 28 years I have become the oldest school staff member. I am a teacher, but I have been Secretary, Principal, Vice Principal, Janitor, Counselor, Digital Content Administrator, Photographer and even Coach at different time periods. I am happy to fulfill my vocation and divine call in this place and with these people who I love

Above all, I celebrate God’s faithfulness to the school and to me!

Andean Ritual

There are two official days off in Bolivia to celebrate Carnival ( parties, parades, water balloons and paint 40 days before Easter) On the second day there is another tradition from the Andean people called “Challar” which comes from the Aymara word meaning “to bless”.

One common element is a table with burning incense filling the atmosphere with smoke! People decorate one’s property (cars, houses, business) and ask the Pachamama (Mother Earth) for her prosperous blessing.

In a few days this same people will attend and carry out all the Catholic practices of Easter; for them is ust another way of cultural expression.

Ads in Apps

Now that I am playing a game online (Crosswords) I see In-App advertising more than I wish. There are times I endure the 30 seconds of “commercials” to be rewarded with some extra points. There is one that pops up frequently and has gotten my attention; it’s called “Royal Match” where King Robert needs and cries out for help to save his life and restore the Royal Castle’s former glory. Some young people (day-players) announcing the game say the benefits of playing this game: Once downloaded NO WiFi needed! (fine), NO ADS! (great), IT’S FREE! (wonderful), “Do yourself a favor” for it is “satisfying and relaxing”.

I understand the gratifying feeling of helping someone in need and even saving a life from danger and death, but the challenge is not always achieved and there is the possibility of failure. I have not played it, but I don’t see any attraction, relaxation and calmness in a game where the character is in an ordeal with a face of despair and anguish.

“God save the King” not me; I pass, thank you.


Crosswords used to be found in newspapers, magazines, books and now also online platforms. I recently came across an app called “WOW” (Words of Wonders) which is a combination of a crossword puzzle and word search. No download is necessary, it’s free with adds that last 30 sec.

I was allured to crosswords being awared that this activity is intellectually stimulating and offers a much needed mental exercise for my forgetful mind. It is said this “game” helps to prevent Alzheimer’s Disease. If I ever get this type of dementia; I won’t even remember all the time and effort I have put is solving them.

For the moment, I am satisfied to resolve each challenging level. am engaged and carried away by them for is also entertaining and fun.


“Trufi” is a minivan; it could have different size and chassis architecture, but all used for public transportation in predetermined routes among cities in Bolivia. They take less time than a bus, but they don’t have departure schedules; they leave when they have all the passanger seats full. There have been times I happen to be the awaited last person to board and leave, but more than often the waiting takes at least one hour.

Buses have typically a framework schedule between 8 am and 8 pm (to my destination) while you can find a Trufi before and after those hours. It’s hard to say that Trufis are more comfortable than a bus.

If you travel in a group of six or eight, Trufi is an excellent option as it is as renting a car with a chauffeur, but cheaper.

My Deep Bite

A deep bite, also known as an overbite, is a dental condition where the upper front teeth excessively overlap the lower front teeth when the jaw is closed. My dentist’s described my deep bite as a “severe case” needed of prompt attention since it is myself repeatedly damaging my teeth and ultemately making two my dental implants to fall out.

Other problems I experienced were: jaw pain, especially in the mornings, wear on the front teeth and some gum recession.

I will be using a bite plane for a few months (4 to 6 months) to help adjust the position and reduce the impact of my excessive bite. At the moment I have rubber rings to create space between teeth for the subsequent placement of braces.


She was malnourished, literally “skin and bones” and with canine oral papillomas when I spotted Sandy among others dogs in the shelter. I don’t know how to upload her pictures with a “Sensitive Content” warning to prevent the public from viewing her unattractive and honestly speaking, repulsive disease. It is, however, a radical change.

Her Before-and-After state is a testimony that love transforms lives, but it wasn’t easy nor immediate. Sandy, of all dogs, has a way to show her feelings; her gaze says “Thank you” and always tries to affectionately lick my face or hand. During morning walks, she invariably stays closer to me than the others and frequently jumps to my lap.

Loving the unlovable involves seeing beyond their flaws and recognizing their inherent worth. All dogs have unique qualities; whether purebred or mixed breed, they enrich our lives and deserve our care and appreciation. My Sandy is very special.

There’s always a wild side to an innocent face


She’s an old nice Lady that I brought from the Dog Shelter.

What was her life like before? And how come such a sweet creature did not have a home?

She has adapted to me and my place as if she had lived here all her life. The only “misbehavior” is that after her daily morning walk; she gets back to the house when she comes to the conclusion by herself that she has had enough street walk.

I highly recommend adopting an elderly dog and fill his/her life with loving care.


“Golfo” usually refers to a lazy person, someone that grew up on the streets without any supervision, a rascal, a bum! It’s offensive when referring to a person, but humorous when calling another street dog who decided to be part of my pet family.

He was announced in Facebook as a dog wandering “lost” in town. I took him with me to provide him shelter and waiting for someone to claim him, but a week passed by and no one said “it’s mine”.

I thought he might know his way back home and I was preventing him from reuniting with his family by keeping him with me; so I opened the door gate and he high-speed ran out!

A few minutes later I found Golfo sitting outside and when I opened the gate; he came back inside to stay.