Ponder the path of your feet (part VI)

After two months of my ankle injury  and pondering about feet, path  and walking; I am still amazed of all what it took was one single step in one second and my life was changed! I am writing my last blog about these themes. Far I am from having finished learning; I am not even walking without pain, much less jogging or running! I continue going to therapy with the hope of getting closer to full recovery. It has been slower than I thought or wished, but that’s the moral of the story…life is a succession of continuous events that takes us from the past to the future moment by moment, second by second; link by link of the unbreakable chain of our given life. Every link is essential and nobody can’t skip one.

travelerIt is true, even the longest journey begins with a single step. We all have a path to walk, sometimes we choose it, some other times it is given to us, but we all take it to get to a destination. Whether we are traveling, recovering from illness, learning a new language, training a sport, teaching children, preparing an event, writing a book, doing homework, etc. it is accomplished bit by bit, step by step and one day at a time.

I will continue my walk pondering the path of my feet and learning and learning and learning… as C.S: Lewis put it, “…the longest human life leaves a man, in any branch of learning, a beginner…”

2 thoughts on “Ponder the path of your feet (part VI)

  1. Andres,

    Your story is a message to us all about how our lives can be changed in a moment – and the response we have when changes occur. Do we remain faithful and praise God, or do we become bitter, lose our faith, and turn from God. You my friend have chosen God’s path, and in so doing added to my own, as well I’m sure to the strength of others.

    God has blessed you,
    Steve Barclay
    San Diego, CA

  2. Tus palabras me animan a comenzar esta semana de labores con el pensamiento en mente de paso a paso, esfuerzo a esfuerzo, poquito a poquito, gota a gota se logran las cosas. Así es como veo mi labor como mamá, esposa e hija. Te quiero, Tutis

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